Saturday, April 30, 2011

inspired to draw

There's something about inspiring creativity in your little one that motivates you to try new creative ventures yourself.  I think that's a beautiful thing. I love that my munchkin inspires me to be a better person. That's the exact reason why I've found myself learning to draw. 

I went to Joann's last night to pick up some extra watercolor paintbrushes for Chase and ran into this cute little book.  I love embarking on crafty projects, but I can't draw or paint for the life of me.   I would love to learn though so I can draw some fun pictures for Chase.  This cute note from the author was enough to inspire me to give it a try.

She writes, "They say that 'learning' begins by 'imitating,' so I have filled this book with a lot of illustrations that you can draw by copying (...) Work at your own pace, when you want, where you want. But whatever you do, try your hand at creating a whole bunch of really cute drawings, OK?" 

Hmmm...learn to draw by copying...I think I can do that. 

The book provides easy step by step instructions to draw a ton of the cutest little animals. The author does a great job breaking down each picture into smaller manageable pieces. She made it so simple to draw such ADORABLE animals!

Here's what I've drawn so far. The little koala in the corner is by Paul, who couldn't resist getting in on the action.  I didn't realize how satisfying drawing these would be considering I was copying someone else's art work, but it really did make me super happy! I'm now feeling inspired to draw the rest of the pictures in this cute little book.  When I'm done, I might even pick up the author's other book.  

I'm most excited to share my drawings with my little guy. He's recently developed a fondness for animals thanks to our Farmers' Market trips and recent visit to the zoo. Eep..I can't wait to show him! :) 

Northridge Farmers' Market

I love the Northridge Farmers' Market. Even before Chase was born, Paul & I made it a point to go a handful of times every year.  It's my favorite Farmer's Market.  I like its' mix of yummy food, produce stands, entertainment, kid friendly activities and nearby shopping.  There really are a lot of things to see, do and taste at the NFM, especially when you have a curious toddler with you.  Chase and I have gone 3 times so far this year (Paul will be joining us soon!).


What $20 will get you: 

  • Toddler fun: Pony ride or Petting Zoo - we alternate week to week. $5 each. Note that there isn't a time limit for the petting zoo and the $5 includes food for the animals
  • Food: Hawaiian pineapple Chicken bowl - our go to NFM meal that Chase and I share.  $5
  • Drink: Thai Tea for mommy - I'm addicted!: $2
  • Produce:  Small basket of strawberries - to take home. $2
  • Souvenir: Book or small toy from Borders - we use our weekly coupon! $3-$6

What I bring (I tend to be an over packer):
  • Stroller
  • Diaper bag
  • Baby wipes & hand sanitizer
  • Spoon - most food places only supply forks
  • Sippy Cup
  • Snack
  • Cash - most vendors only take cash
  • Cell Phone
  • Border's Coupon - via e-mail on my cell phone
  • Camera

Other things to know

  • When & Where: Wednesdays from 5pm - 9pm, in between Macy's and Borders @ the Northridge Fashion Center. This is @ the corner of Tampa Ave. and Plummer St.
  • Restrooms: The closest restrooms are near the movie theater, past Borders and tucked on the side of the mall, just past H&M. Note that Borders closes their restrooms during Farmers Market hours. I don't blame them!
  • Nearby: Macy'sBordersH&MCPK
  • Seating: It's definitely hard to come by. If you can come early, you might be able to get a seat at one of the few tables they have set up in front of or behind the stage (this is in front of Borders).  But I have a feeling that people show up before the NFM even starts just to snag primo seating. Chase & I usually sit on the sidewalk (with a ton of other people). It's the perfect spot to people watch, listen to the music and relax.  
  • Place to run around: Check out the courtyard behind Borders.  There's a fountain area with a decent amount of space to let the kiddies run around. You'll still want to keep a close watch as it is still crowded, just less crowded than the main Farmers' Market area. If you continue to walk down the alley way towards the movie theater, it gets even less crowded.

If you go, we hope you have fun.  Maybe we'll see you there. :)

Monday, April 25, 2011

snip snip

this is ray. he was getting ready to give chase his first hair cut (back in november '10).  he was laughing because he doesn't normally cut kids' hair. he doesn't normally cut hair in general for that matter.  this probably makes you wonder why in the world we would ask him to do this. after all, it involves sharp scissors, a certain wiggly toddler and his hair.  

aside from waiting until chase turned 1, we also wanted his hair to be cut by someone with qualities that we want chase to emulate when he gets older. a role model of sorts. it's a not so well known filipino tradition.  

here's a fun little interview so you all can get to know ray better...
me: where did you meet chase's daddy? 
ray: i met paul @ st. cecilia in the second grade. i thought he was weird because he was wearing a green cardigan with his uniform -- the cardigan was only supposed to be for the girls. 
me: hahahah...paul knew you'd say that.

me: what do you do for work? 
ray: credit investor @ an investment fund

me: where did you go to school and what did you take? 
ray: business economics @ ucla, mba @ harvard

me: in your opinion, what's the most important thing(s) in life? 
ray: friends and family
me: i couldn't agree more! 

me: what's the secret to being well rounded?
ray: always keep an open mind!

me: what advice do you have for chase when he gets older? 
ray: work hard and do what you love

me: what is one fun thing you will teach chase when he gets older? 
ray: to race cars at the track (with mom's approval)!
me: yikes!  we'll have to see about that one. 

ray's awesome.  what we love most about him is just how well rounded he is.  we love that he's just as social and fun loving as he is hard working and successful.  he's as down to earth and super sweet as he is intelligent and focused. and we love that he's always smiling and/or laughing - shows just the way he approaches life. we knew immediately that we wanted him to cut chase's hair! we would be proud parents if chase were to inherit any of these qualities when he gets older. thanks for a fun night, ray!


Saturday, April 16, 2011

meet max

meet max. he's been a part of our little family for about a month now. isn't he just adorable? as you can see, he's quite the little hipster with his plaid shirt, bandana and jean shorts.  he's definitely the cutest and funkiest little boy doll i've ever seen. 

i had been searching for a boy doll for chase and when i spotted max on opposite of far [an etsy store], i just knew i wanted to invite him to be a part of our family. i'm sure you would have done the same. ;)
you might be wondering what started my doll search in the first place. i strongly believe in how important imaginative play is for chase's age. for us, it gives chase a way to process things he's learning about - whether it's about the general world around him, people close to him or himself. i also love how it gives chase a fun way to enhance his creativity.       

chase often cooks for max. he feeds him overflowing bowls of wooden fruit and veggies. he plays basketball with him. 'they' often toss a ball back and forth to one another. on most nights, chase puts max to sleep by placing him face down on his playroom mat and then kisses him good night.  sometimes, chase comes home amused to find max doing something new, like reading a book. in this way, i love that max provides me with an opportunity to guide chase to certain activities.  

each day seems to bring a new way of interacting with max.  i'm excited to see how much their relationship will blossom and how much chase's imagination will continue to expand. 

p.s. if you're in the market for a handmade doll, check out opposite of far.  each item in the shop is completely handmade with tons of love. when max arrived, he came with a handwritten thank you card, a photo and a cute little tag. i love little details like that. don't you?