Thursday, December 30, 2010

our holiday card, tags and wrap

let me start off by saying that i had the best intentions of sending these off to all of our loved ones this year.  after a few mishaps (heheheh) a sheet of address labels went missing so please accept my apologies if this is the first time you're seeing our card. ;) card was purchased from lukecommasara's etsy shop. pictures were taken by my lovely friend, lizzi.  you can see more pics from our session with lizzi here

our gift tags this year were made using one of the photos from our holiday photo session. they were printed on a light cream linen card stock paper (we had tons of this paper left over from our wedding)

our holiday gift wrap.
 i think i'm officially replacing my wrapping paper (for birthdays, baby showers, etc.) with craft paper & yarn. yay for streamlining and for freeing up some add'l storage space in my closet.

small fashion//chase's fave christmas gifts

chase was blessed (as he always is) with lots of love and some pretty awesome gifts this christmas. these are some of his favorite fashion related presents. don't you love it when your friends & family hit the nail on the head when it comes to a gift you would've totally bought if you saw it yourself?

i love love love the elbow pad and the large logo on these shirts, gifted by our good friend, tyson. thanks uncle ty!

i love the fit, pockets, stripes and colors on this zip up hoodie, gifted by paul's cousin - thanks auntie cecil!

these jordan 13 retro's were gifted by paul's best friend - thanks uncle best friend, kevin!

p.s. some of chase's other fave fashion gifts will likely show up in some upcoming small fashion posts, so stay tuned. 

my fave christmas gifts

i must've been on santa's nice list this year because he brought me some fun little goodies.  here are some of my faves... :) 

this gorgeous jewelry armoire that i've been wanting for months, gifted by the hubby

the skip hop studio diaper bag in slate, that i've been drooling over since i was pregnant, gifted by my buddy kevin aka my secret santa  

This ADORABLE!!! little board book was gifted by my good friend, ruby - chase's godmother. it's  based on chase's return of the bad guy story, which i blogged about here.  Picture above is of the front cover.

one of the inside pages 

 back page

i am seriously in love with this book and the many ideas it is giving me for future projects. i'll be sure to share soon. for now, i'm hoping it's inspiring you to do something fun to capture your memories. 

i'm back!

i'm back from an amazing & much needed christmas vacay to the bay and sacramento areas. did you miss me? ;) i definitely missed sharing with you all.

my computer is also up and running again. yay! it went kapoot a couple of weeks ago and wouldn't start. but alas the genius bar at the apple store got it working again. and the best news? we didn't lose any data! *whew* we still need to add some memory to this bad boy, but it works! i'll be back shortly to share some christmas memories with you!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

my new favorite photo card

i met erika in lamaze class when i was pregnant with chase and she was with little ellouisa! :) we went on to take yoga together and have kept in touch since. we'll need to get our little ones together for a playdate soon. she had the cutest little party of little elle when she turned one. maybe she'll let me blog it one day. hint hint erika! :) anywho...she sent me this the other day...

 seriously?!?!  i officially have a new favorite card!! isn't it just so perfectly cute?! there are so many things to love about this card. i mean, what's not to love right? i love elle's cute little smiley face - she's so adorable. i love the font. i love the boldness of the text. i love the colors. i love the tear drop shaped sun burst rays or maybe they're flowers petals. whatever they are. i love them. i love that they indicated how old elle is currently. i love that they included 4 pictures - multi pictured cards are such a must with a little baby. i love the hint of a textured background behind the text. i love little elle's dress - with that elephant?! eeeek! i love that upper corner photo - how fun is that?! i love that it was printed on card stock. *sigh* me loves! thanks, erika for letting me share your adorable holiday card.

p.s. my computer is not a happy camper these days so blogging will be hard to come by until he's happy again.  i'm choosing to look at this as a blessing in disguise. with the holidays in full swing, i could use the extra time in my day. hope to be sharing with you all more regularly soon. cross your fingers that they work some magic at the apple store tomorrow!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

small fashion//choo choo

this month @ day care, chase is learning about things that go. he'll get a chance to dress up and act like a driver on a pretend bus, ride toy cars, read books about different forms of transportation, and play with cars through sand in the sensory table. i love how well thought out the 'curricula' is @ his day care.

this small fashion shoot was taken @ the travel town museum. on chase: plaid hat & aqua vest from h&m. white long sleeve undershirt from target. hurley jeans from macy's (gifted by uncle jesse & auntie jen - thanks!) adidas shell toes from the best daddy sneaker head ever.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

small guy//cutest smile ever

me loves this little guy so much. his latest trick is smiling upon request and i have to say that it's the cutest smile EVER!  i discovered this last week when we were skyping with my dad. as soon as my dad's video came on chase started to cheese @ the computer. now when you ask him to smile, he obliges with squinted eyes, a crinkled nose and chipmunk cheeks. i'm thinking that i'm really digging this cute toddler thing. *eeek* he is so cute. should i go wake him up? i want to really badly. 

Monday, December 6, 2010

pa ra pa pum pum

a hubby with laryngitis + muggy weather = an indoor sort of weekend. we were originally scheduled to head out to the san diego zoo, but quickly changed plans when paul lost his voice. we found ourselves @ the remo percussion center for their weekly kids drum circle (they call it the kids rhythm club).

think tons of drums, tons of kids (& their parents) and the hippest rock and roll, piano and drum playing, drum circle leader who is always so much fun. and all for free? yes please! chase loves music and definitely has a natural sense of rhythm. for this reason, we love taking him here. if you ever get the chance, this is a must visit for kids in l.a.!

here are some other pictures from our visit.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

small fashion//matching j's

the hubby is a bit (definite exaggeration) of a sneaker head. have you figured that out by now? he is definitely the one behind chase's collection. so, i guess it's inevitable that shoes will be an ongoing theme on this blog. 

a little background to satisfy the curious. chase's collection started with random comments i made way back when. as a plan to slow down the hubby's own shoe collection, i suggested he start buying little ones for the kids we would have some day. the outcome? more shoes than a big & little guy would ever need.  major plan back fire! ha! oh well. 

we've had a family set of these jordan 4 mars (below) since their re-release in 2006. so, yes, you can say that i've waited quite a while to finally wear these shoes with chase.  i don't wear sneakers as often as the hubby, but i just had to pull out my pair to match the little guy. 
me & small @ the baseball park 11/20/10
you might also be interested in these past posts: 

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

fave christmas photo cards

happy first of december! can you believe christmas is right around the corner? as usual, our family has a busy busy agenda planned for the holidays. i really want to knock out my to do list soon so i can start enjoying the season with the patootest little one year old.

first on my list is to find the cutest christmas photo card ever! so far, these are my top 10. they're all linked in case any of them fit your fancy. 
1. this one is by joshua alan designs. i just love the multi-font text and 3 photo windows!

2. i love love love the snowflake on this one and love love love that the text matches their outfits! brilliant!

3. simple. period. it's perfect!

4. again with the multi-fonts. this card is just so adorable!

5. i love the 'o' on this one. this little detail makes all the difference. don't you agree?

6. shut up with the antlers! eeeek! me loves!

7. i'm thinking this card is really making me want a landscaped page orientation.

8. i'm a sucker for pretty font and i love the text on this cute card!

9. 5 photos?!?! yes please!

10. and this pretty gal i love for the wood grain and the red ribbon (& the precious baby!).

have you ordered, maybe even sent, your christmas cards yet? am i on your list? ;)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

small party//the crossbones inn

i know. i know. we are practically 2 holidays past halloween. but a friend recently shared these great pics he took of his niece's halloween themed first birthday party and i fell in love. tell me you aren't dying for halloween to roll around again. yes, pun was intended. photos are by my amazing photographer friend, Mike Makabenta.

did you catch the fake blood on mommy's gloves? *egad!* my favorite part tho? that little dagger. sometimes it's the smallest details that send me over the top.

Monday, November 29, 2010

small stuff//activity table

as we transition to life with a toddler, i've been dreaming up fun activities to do with chase, who is now 13 months old. but first, we need the right space to inspire us both.  we're window shopping for an activity table that
  • is cute. modern. affordable. (the table above is cute & modern, but affordable it is not!)
  • has plenty of storage
  • has chairs that we can scoot under the table, while chase is sitting in it
i still need to decide on the table top. i'm on the fence about wanting a table with a lip, similar to those found on train tables. a nice feature for some activities, not so nice with others.

so we haven't picked a table out just yet.  in the meantime, though, i just had to share these options i came across from P'kolino. aren't they the cutest? and the best part? they're pretty affordable, a rarity with modern design.  
i love the bold orange, the price ($90!), reversible table top & hidden storage.  if only the chairs had backs to them. it's sold exclusively at giggle. 
the chairs on this table are a safer bet for my little guy. but with all of the crafting and play we're planning on doing, we may need a bigger table. 

do you have an activity table you love or would love to own? please do share! i'd love to take a peak. 

Saturday, November 27, 2010

plans and schemes

i had the most amazing day, taking photos and scheming, in the blog sense, with lizzi. we came up with lots of fun ideas. it'll be interesting to see which will come to fruition. so many plans and thoughts and randomness have been running through my head. i really need to start writing it all down. but first i need a fun notebook to inspire me. like the one @ the top.  or these down below...
why yes i am! source

i have a not so secret obsession with birds. *sigh* source

i want this just for that pencil holder. i think all notebooks should come with one. don't you? 

these 2 notebooks made by timeforteame are brilliant. i just love the wood binding and fun patterns on both.


do you keep a pretty notebook to keep you inspired and organized?