Sunday, November 7, 2010

small food//breakfast sandwiches

well good morning yummy! around here, we've been eating pancakes, muffins and french toast for weekend breakfast. the lil guy loves it but i know the hubby prefers the savory.  when my friend, christina, mentioned she had breakfast sandwiches the other day i knew the hubby would be into it. here's  the easy recipe.  

ingredients (for 3 servings): 
3 whole wheat english muffins (regular ones work too!)
3 x 6 thin slices of ham &/or turkey
3 slices of provolone cheese
2 eggs
a lil butter

the easy steps: 
  1. toast the english muffins.
  2. while they're toasting, prepare the rest of the sandwich. 
  3. scramble the eggs.
  4. cook eggs in a skillet. i used one meant for mini pancakes. they made the perfect sized scrambled egg portions for the sandwich. 
  5. set aside the cooked eggs. 
  6. cook the turkey and/or ham until lightly brown. use the same pan = less dishes!
  7. melt the cheese on top of the turkey/ham.
  8. assemble the sandwich: 
isn't this egg the perfect little size?

cheese looks yummo!

we're almost there. just need some garnishing. 

perfect! around here, we're inspired by our lil guy to eat more fresh fruits and veggies. yay for checking one of those off of our list for today!

wasn't that the easiest? 

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